DDA Housing Scheme 2019, which was launched about four months ago, witnessed registration till June 10, 2019. The much-awaited announcement for around 40,000 applicants was held on July 23. The flats available in different categories were 488 (High Income Group), 1,555 (Middle Income Group), 8,383 (Low Income Group) and 7,496 (Economically Weaker Section) which made a total number of 17922 flats in Vasant Kunj and Narela.
The draw lottery process was live-streamed on the DDA website dda.org.in as well as on its YouTube channel
Refer to the table below to understand how the DDA flat lottery process was carried out on July 23:
Time | Update |
12:35 PM | The live streaming of DDA Housing Scheme 2019 had begun. |
12:50 PM | The draw was held in the presence of retired HC judge S N Aggarwal, Professor Anshul Kumar of IIT-Delhi and Deputy Director-General of National Informatics Centre Vishnu Chandra at the DDA headquarters. |
1:20 PM | The allocation process of DDA flats started which covered applicants from several categories including General category Ex Servicemen Divyaang Scheduled Caste Scheduled Tribe Wives of Applicant Martyrs |
1:35 PM | With the consent of the judges, the draw process began on a full-swing. |
1:45 PM | Completion of the process. The same draw list was uploaded on DDA's official website. |
2:00 PM | Name of the first allottee (physically handicapable) was announced. Saroj Yadav got a flat in MIG category in Vasant Kunj. |
2:04 PM | More names were announced for DDA flats. |
2:15 PM | The names of allottees were declared on the complete list of 540 pages on DDA's official website. |
During the process, around 12 applicants were found with double applications, caught through their PAN cards.
One of the applicants, Rajni Devi in her early 20s is a resident of Ballabgarh in Haryana, who in the past lived in rental accommodations in the capital region and had dreamed of owning a house one day. She was thrilled to hear her name in the draw. While interacting with media, she said, "I was at a bank near the Vikas Sadan, when I got a call from my family that my application has been picked up in the draw. I commute daily from Ballabgarh to Delhi for work, this means a lot to me".
Click the link to know the names of all successful applicants of DDA Housing Scheme 2019.
Take note of the following points from DDA Housing Scheme 2019
The entire application process of DDA Housing Scheme 2019 was conducted online with computerised draw based on random number technique. For every DDA flat, five applicants were found on an average.
However, the afore-mentioned 17922 number of DDA flats in Vasant Kunj and Narela regions was reduced to 10,294. The people who applied for flats in Narela were observed less in number, especially in the EWS category.
DDA Vice-Chairman Tarun Kapoor said, "There were too many applications for the Vasant Kunj flats and less for Narela. Against each flat in Vasant Kunj, we received 20-30 applications. And those who didn’t get a flat would get their registration amount back in a week".
DDA also sent an email and SMS to all the successful and unsuccessful applicants regarding the result of the draw.
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