The Tamil Nadu Real Estate Regulatory Authority, commonly known as TnRERA, came into existence when the state government approved the rules on June 22, 2017. By keeping the Real Estate Act at its core, the Tamil Nadu Real Estate Regulatory Authority, i.e. TnRERA, strives to make information delivery and transactions within the real estate industry in Chennai or any other state in Tamil Nadu as efficient and transparent as possible.
It's important to note that RERA Tamil Nadu has jurisdiction over the entire Tamil Nadu and Andaman and Nicobar Islands. So, if you wish to know more about RERA Tamil Nadu, then here's what every home buyer, real estate agent and developer in the state needs to know about it!
As per the RERA Act, the real estate market of each state in India must have its own regulatory authority known as Real Estate Regulatory Authority. The state RERA regulates the entire real estate sector within the state limits. The Tamil Nadu RERA Act was passed in March 2016 as a part of this overall plan.
Today, Tamil Nadu RERA carries out all the activities and tasks specified under the parent act and manages every segment of the real estate industry in Tamil Nadu. Just like other states' RERA Act, the TnRERA has been implemented to protect the interests of the home buyers. As per TnRERA rules, real estate agents and developers across the state have to register with Tamil Nadu RERA on the official TnRERA website.
However, in case of any sort of discrepancy in details, homebuyers can reach out to TnRERA for dispute resolution and reimbursement without any second thought.
In accordance with the objectives of RERA, TnRERA performs the below-mentioned functions:
1. It aims to create transparency in the state's real estate market.
2. It promotes the rights of home buyers and developers of property in Tamil Nadu.
3. It provides speedy redressal and resolution for property-related disputes.
4. It has helped increase real estate and property-related transactions accountability.
5. It standardises the real estate construction and development process.
6. It focuses on creating a favourable environment for real estate transactions in the state.
7. It encourages timely and efficient project execution.
The TnRERA Act offers a handful of services to homebuyers, agents and promoters. Let's have a detailed look at what they are!
Under TnRERA, homebuyers can:
Access details and records of all RERA registered projects in Tamil Nadu submitted by agents and promoters on the official TnRERA website
File a complaint against property developers if they do not abide by the provisions of the Tamil Nadu RERA Act
Under TnRERA, agents can:
Renew their registration on the official Tamil Nadu RERA website
File complaints against the builders online
Under TnRERA, promoters can:
Update details of a registered project quarterly
File for the extension of the project in Tamil Nadu
File a complaint online
Register a real estate project under TnRERA
The TnRERA rules and regulations are divided into 9 and 20 chapters, respectively, in order to implement provisions of the RERA Act all across the state. Each of these chapters deals with noteworthy duties like the following:
1. Undertaking methodical complaint redressal.
2. Checking documents that are required to be submitted by the promoter of the real estate project to register a project under TnRERA.
3. Overseeing application and renewal of the registration of agents.
4. Accepting disclosure from promoters in relation to the existing real estate projects in Tamil Nadu, if any.
5. Rejecting or granting the registration of real estate on the basis of specific terms.
Step 1: Visit the official website of Tamil Nadu RERA.
Step 2: Tap on the "Registrations" tab and go to "Projects"> "Registered projects"> "Tamil Nadu/Andaman".
Step 3: You will now be directed to a page where Tamil Nadu RERA gives you complete details about projects registered on the TnRERA website.
Agents and developers of projects in Tamil Nadu have to pay the following fees and charges to register their projects with TnRERA:
1. Rs. 25000 for an individual
2. Rs. 50000 for anyone other than an individual
1. Rs. 5/sq.m. of the plotted area for site approvals, layouts and sub-divisions, excluding EWS plots
2. For residential buildings, Rs. 10/sq.m. of FSI area, where the size of the dwelling unit is less than 60 sq.m.
3. Rs. 20/sq.m. of FSI area for other residential projects
4. Rs. 50/sq.m. of FSI area for a commercial building
5. Rs. 25/sq.m. of FSI area for any other projects
You can visit the official TnRERA website and check the complete details of any registered housing project.
Yes, a standard TnRERA registration fee is applicable, which differs depending on the type of project, ownership, and project size.
TnRERA is responsible for regulating all the real estate projects in Tamil Nadu so that there isn't any compromise with standards and the project gets completed on time. In this way, it is beneficial for both home buyers and developers.
Prospective home buyers and agents can easily file complaints through the official TnRERA website by paying a nominal fee.
Also read: Rights and Duties of Homebuyers under RERA
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