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23 Sep 2020

Special Tips To Keep Your Home Clean During Covid-19

Special Tips To Keep Your Home Clean During Covid-19

The first half of this year has passed by under the fear of Covid-19 and we have modified our ways of living by mostly staying indoors. By this time, we all know that the virus spreads from an infected person to another person nearby when the former coughs, sneezes, or talks. And what about the safety measures for our home? Image Source - abode-group.co.uk

Keeping your home clean is as important as taking care of yourself

Every week or two, we are going out to shop grocery items as well as ordering various items online. Hence, we may be unknowingly infecting our home by bringing in such items. From washing our clothes to cleaning the raw eatables properly before cooking and disinfecting every surface of the home, the stress is throughout. Image Source -pennmedicine.org

Take note of the high-touch surfaces

Make a list of high-touch surfaces in your home, starting from the door handles, taps, and kitchen counters. To lower the risk of infection, clean them daily. Wear a mask and gloves while cleaning. If you find a surface messed up already, use soap and water. Then, use a disinfectant spray. Prefer the one that contains alcohol around 70 percent. Image Source - cincinnatichildrens.org

A slight change in the way you do laundry at home

Prioritise keeping your shoes outside and changing into clean clothes immediately when you return home from other places. Daily use items like bedsheets, towels, and clothes need to be washed more often than before. Wash with soap or detergent as usual but using appropriate warm water instead of cold water will help to kill the virus. Image Source - intermountainhealthcare.org

Must follow steps while preparing food

There is every possibility that an infected person might have touched the food items or packaging. Hence, it is advisable to maintain hygiene when handling food. Wash raw eatables like fruits and vegetables properly. Once the items are unpacked, dispose of the containers or packages into a bin with a lid. Image Source - scx1.b-cdn.net



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